Wednesday, March 16, 2011

political cartoon #3

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         In this cartoon there is a guy reading the newspaper.  The front of the page reads "oil hits $109 per barrel".  The man's wife says to him "Cant's they just switch to smaller barrels?".  The couple represents two average Americans, nothing special about them.  By having the people in this cartoon be average Americans, its gets the readers to think things like "are people actually that stupid?". 
        This cartoon is relavent to the stock market game that we are currently involved in in class.  Because of rising prices in oil, companies may have to higher their prices on goods.  Higher prices means less people will be buying, or that people will buy less.  This will end up dropping the stocks for alot of businesses, especially companies that rely heavily on gas, such as Exxon Mobil and Hess (both of which have had stock prices go down recently).

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